Things that Make Breasts Not Healthy ( Incorrect bra size)

Things that Make Breasts Not Healthy
One of the female organs that need more attention is the breast. But many women sometimes do things wrong so it can destroy the beauty and health of the breast itself.
The things that can affect the shape of the breast are pregnancy, lactation, menopause and age.
Instead of a natural factor of the above there are some habits that affect women's breast health and beauty, as quoted from GuniusBeauty:
1. The habit of sitting the wrong
Women should consider how to seat, due to poor postural habits or way of sitting that one cause breast sagging. Therefore, always sit with the truth, because not only beneficial to the spine, but also to breast health.

2. Weight fluctuations drastically
Weight gain is the reason for the excessive stretching of the skin. If body weight increased and suddenly dropped to make skin soft and stretched. Fluctuations in body weight is not healthy to make the breast and the loss of ideals.

3. The habit of sitting the wrong
Women should consider how to seat, due to poor postural habits or way of sitting that one cause breast sagging. Therefore, always sit with the truth, because not only beneficial to the spine, but also to breast health.

4. Incorrect bra size
When choosing a bra is the most important look at the size. Incorrect bra size can make the breast is not healthy. Bra is too tight will damage the blood circulation could trigger breast cancer. While a loose bra can lead to stretching of the skin, especially for women who have large breasts. So choose the right size.
5. Ultraviolet light
Many people like to sunbathe on the beach with swimwear to get brownish skin. But apparently it can be harmful to breast health. In addition to burns, sunburn also causes loss of elasticity and the breasts increase risk of breast cancer.

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