Yua Aida beautiful sexy japanese model

Yua Aida is Japanese idol Queen, busty idol. Born in Aichi Prefecture, Japan, on August 12, 1984. Yua Aida was an active girl and involved in many sporting activities during primary and middle school. Tennis was her strongest sport throughout middle school. In high school, she changed her focus on sports to art, an interest she attributes to her mother. Aida reports that exposure to nude models while oil painting helped her to be more comfortable when she began her AV career. After her graduation from high school, Aida began working at a part-time job. At this time she was scouted by an AV talent agency while shopping in Tokyo's Shinjuku neighborhood. Aida says that she was not impressed with the talent scout, but when she met the company president, she thought, "This guy is really great. I’m gonna work here!"

Yua Aida Profile :

Name : Yua Aida
Japanese Name : あいだゆあ
Chinese Name: 愛田友
Birthday: 1984/8/12
Blood Type: O
Height: 157cm
Body Measurements: B:88cm(E),W:57cm,H:87cm
HomeTown: Aichi
Hobby: Tennis and oil painting

Yua Aida advertising her bra brand and panty for commercial show picture and gallery :

Yua AidaYua AidaYua AidaYua AidaYua AidaYua AidaYua AidaYua AidaYua AidaYua Aida

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